Neujahrsvorsätze 2024 | New Year’s resolutions 2024

(Scroll down for the English Version) Gehört ihr zu denen, die an jedem Jahresanfang ehrgeizige Pläne machen? Gute Vorsätze auflisten und in allen Lebensbereichen unterschiedliche Ziele definieren, die im neuen Jahr erreicht werden wollen? … Zu diesen Menschen...

The rider – a fantasy easter illustration

We hope you had a fantastic Easter, whether with colorful eggs or colorful bunnies! ;D In any case, we had a lot of fun drawing a fantasy illustration again ^^ Illustrations that invite the viewer to dive into another world and make up stories there are among our...

„The Herald“ – free Easter coloring page Download

There are things that come, no matter what’s going on in the world. Spring, for example, and Easter – always wonderful!^^ We love to hide Easter eggs and have also hidden one for you: Our spring rider or Easter herald (which title do you like better?)...