Analogue hand drawn illustration by Illustrie for the Inktober / charactober drawing challenge | tea bag + owl combined to a new characterdesign. This Illustration is available in our shop printed on T-Shirts, Mugs, Bags, etc.
#Illustration, #characterdesign, #art, #geek, #nerd, #comic, #comicstyle, #cartoon, #cartoonfigur, #Tee, #tea, #teabag, #Teebeutel, #Eule, #owl, #Uhu, #tealover, #funny, #cute, #niedlich, #kawaii, #zeichnen, #afternoontea, #vogel, #nacht, #night, #gutenacht, #nachtaktiv, #kauz, #drawing, #pen, #blackandwhite, #inking, #tuschezeichnung

Dies war das Inktobermotiv vom 04. Oktober 2020, das Thema war „Eule“. Für unseren „Charactober“ fügen wir dann immer noch irgendein Attribut hinzu. Der Vorschlag die Eule + Tee zu kombinieren, kam aus unserer Community auf Instagram von froileinwonder aka Bellas Wonderworld. Und die Idee, eine Eule als Teebeutel zu zeichnen hatte Timo. Und zwar, als er sich gerade seinen Ostfriesentee aufgebrüht hat! 😀 Auch dieses Motiv gibt es mittlerweile in unserem Shop auf Tassen, T-Shirts und sonstigem. Für alle Tee- und Eulenliebhaber unter euch!^^

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Analogue hand drawn illustration by Illustrie for the Inktober / charactober drawing challenge | tea bag + owl combined to a new characterdesign. This Illustration is available in our shop printed on T-Shirts, Mugs, Bags, etc.
#Illustration, #characterdesign, #art, #geek, #nerd, #comic, #comicstyle, #cartoon, #cartoonfigur, #Tee, #tea, #teabag, #Teebeutel, #Eule, #owl, #Uhu, #tealover, #funny, #cute, #niedlich, #kawaii, #zeichnen, #afternoontea, #vogel, #nacht, #night, #gutenacht, #nachtaktiv, #kauz, #drawing, #pen, #blackandwhite, #inking, #tuschezeichnung
Analogue hand drawn illustration by Illustrie for the Inktober / charactober drawing challenge | tea bag + owl combined to a new characterdesign. This Illustration is available in our shop printed on T-Shirts, Mugs, Bags, etc.
#Illustration, #characterdesign, #art, #geek, #nerd, #comic, #comicstyle, #cartoon, #cartoonfigur, #Tee, #tea, #teabag, #Teebeutel, #Eule, #owl, #Uhu, #tealover, #funny, #cute, #niedlich, #kawaii, #zeichnen, #afternoontea, #vogel, #nacht, #night, #gutenacht, #nachtaktiv, #kauz, #drawing, #pen, #blackandwhite, #inking, #tuschezeichnung
Analogue hand drawn illustration by Illustrie for the Inktober / charactober drawing challenge | tea bag + owl combined to a new characterdesign. This Illustration is available in our shop printed on T-Shirts, Mugs, Bags, etc.
#Illustration, #characterdesign, #art, #geek, #nerd, #comic, #comicstyle, #cartoon, #cartoonfigur, #Tee, #tea, #teabag, #Teebeutel, #Eule, #owl, #Uhu, #tealover, #funny, #cute, #niedlich, #kawaii, #zeichnen, #afternoontea, #vogel, #nacht, #night, #gutenacht, #nachtaktiv, #kauz, #drawing, #pen, #blackandwhite, #inking, #tuschezeichnung
Flipsite of an analogue hand drawn illustration by Illustrie for the Inktober / charactober drawing challenge | tea bag + owl combined to a new characterdesign. This Illustration is available in our shop printed on T-Shirts, Mugs, Bags, etc.
#Illustration, #characterdesign, #art, #geek, #nerd, #comic, #comicstyle, #cartoon, #cartoonfigur, #Tee, #tea, #teabag, #Teebeutel, #Eule, #owl, #Uhu, #tealover, #funny, #cute, #niedlich, #kawaii, #zeichnen, #afternoontea, #vogel, #nacht, #night, #gutenacht, #nachtaktiv, #kauz, #drawing, #pen, #blackandwhite, #inking, #tuschezeichnung

// English//

This was the prompt of October 4th, the theme was „owl“. For our „Charactober“ we still add an attribute. The suggestion to combine the owl + tea came from our community on Instagram by froileinwonder aka Bellas Wonderworld. And the idea of drawing an owl as a tea bag came to Timo. While he was brewing his „Ostfriesentee“. This design is now also available in our shop on cups, t-shirts and other items. For all tea- and owl lovers among you!^^

Tee-Eule // Tea owl

Do you like our illustration? Then choose one of many products with this design from our store!