Drawing challenge #mermay

Die #mermay Zeichen-Challenge, die jedes Jahr den gesamten Mai über stattfindet, erfreut sich nach wie vor großer Beliebtheit. Zumindest gibt es auf Instagram, wenn man #mermay2023 / #mermay23 in die Suche eingibt, über 75.000 Beiträge dazu. Wenn man die Jahre davor...

BuJo-Sticker in progress & life update

Hello everyone, after a longer break from posting here comes an update of the more severe kind: Bad news first … After the Corona pandemic and the immediately following crises (paper crisis, war and energy crisis), we actually already had enough to fight...

#visitme / #besuchmich beim Comicsalon Erlangen

If you follow us on Instagram or Twitter, you might already have noticed that we’re participating in the current Comicsolidarity community event for the Comicsalon, which will take place in Erlangen this month from June 16 – 19, 2022. For this, all...

The rider – a fantasy easter illustration

We hope you had a fantastic Easter, whether with colorful eggs or colorful bunnies! ;D In any case, we had a lot of fun drawing a fantasy illustration again ^^ Illustrations that invite the viewer to dive into another world and make up stories there are among our...

In the beginning there was a plan

Even though the times are still strange, we decided to plan a little bit for 2022. For example, we have decided to post always at first in English and the German part will follow from 2022 onwards. This is due to the fact that meanwhile a lot of visitors from all over...