Hey, nice to meet you! Schön, dass du hier bist!
Wir sind Stew & Timo und wir lieben Comics und Illustration! Wir zeichnen und schreiben Comics, entwerfen fantastische Welten & lustige Kreaturen, designen T-Shirts und andere nerdige Dinge für euch!
// Posts in Deutsch & English //
Hi, we are Stew & Timo and we love comics and illustration! We create comics, draw fantastic worlds & funny creatures, design t-shirts and other nerdy stuff for you!
Drawing challenge #mermay
Die #mermay Zeichen-Challenge, die jedes Jahr den gesamten Mai über stattfindet, erfreut sich nach wie vor großer Beliebtheit. Zumindest gibt es auf Instagram, wenn man #mermay2023 / #mermay23 in die Suche eingibt, über 75.000 Beiträge
mehr lesen…BuJo-Sticker in progress & life update
Hello everyone, after a longer break from posting here comes an update of the more severe kind:
Bad news first …
After the Corona pandemic and the immediately following crises (paper crisis, war and energy crisis), we actually already had enough to fight professionally. But now „AI-Art“ is making our lives even more difficult. For those who haven’t heard of it yet – this is software that uses AI/KI (Artificial Intelligence) to create all kinds of images in unlimited quantities and high quality within minutes, in any style …
mehr lesen…#cosydrawingdate January calendar illustration for bulletjournals
It was time again for a #cosydrawingdate 🙂 Light a candle, make your favorite tea, something to snack on, put on a podcast and start drawing! Finally resume the old calendar project, so that it can then hopefully go to print this year … Whether it will work out, remains to be seen – so many things can always come in between. But if you always take small steps, you’ll get there eventually!^^
mehr lesen…Happy New Year giveaway: Coloring page „Katerfrühstück“
We wish you a happy and healthy new year, may it be easy and joyful!^ And to get it off to a good start, we have a little gift for you: Our illustration for the FUCKYEAH 2023 calendar, which kicks off this year, is available here as a download for free:
mehr lesen…Merry Christmas and peaceful New Year 2023
Honestly, 2022 was a really exhausting year for us. Corona is still having an impact and not just on our health. Parents and almost everyone who earns a living in the so-called „cultural and creative industries“ know what we’re talking about. And the current crises in the world are putting an additional strain on us – both economically and mentally, which doesn’t
mehr lesen…Currently working on … and on … and on …
After the last posts have been published in German only (because it was only about things or actions available in Germany), we now switch back to „English first“. You can find the German translation by scrolling down.
So, everyday life has caught up with us again and we are buried under various layers of different tasks. For example,
A3 Blanko Jahres-Drachenkalender
Jahreskalender, A3, 15 Seiten, farbe, Erschienen 2020,
20,00 € zzgl. Versand.
Stimmt so
erschienen 2018,
DIN A5 Softcover,
64 Seiten in Farbe.
10,00 € zzgl. Versand.
Unkraut und Rüben
erschienen 2014,
DIN A5 Softcover,
64 Seiten in Farbe.
10,00 € zzgl. Versand.
Sven Elch | Teil 1
Adventskalender DIN A5,
erschienen 2014,
28 Seiten in Farbe.
Hier bei uns erhältlich.
8,00 € zzgl. Versand.